Your donation will have a direct impact in the local community
With your help we can do so much
We work hard to make sure that this church building is a shared space for everyone in our local community.
We run community projects working to tackle loneliness and isolation and to support people facing the challenges that come with living on low income including some who have nowhere to call home.
Our projects include;
a weekly free meal to anyone who needs it – delivered by amazing volunteers throughout the year.
a well being club and stay and play sessions with priority places for single parent families living in hostels.
a weekly intergenerational session and termly family theatre
All of our projects offer volunteering opportunities and good jobs paying at least the London Living Wage
We work to continue to be a warm and welcoming place – seeing joy as an act of resistance – responding to the needs of our local community creating a place to make friends and a place to give and receive support.
We also hire out our space – supporting local businesses and families and friends as a venue for celebrations.
We fund our work through a mixture of generous donations, grant funding and hiring out our place. It takes a lot to make this all happen and we are determined to keep going.
Your help is incredibly important to us.
Thank you so much.