Urban Table
Urban Table is a weekly soup kitchen that has been running for over 15 years and attracts people from all walks of life. It runs every Sunday in the main hall and serves a meal to anyone who needs some food and hospitality.
The volunteers offers practical and emotional support as well as a healthy meal and it is an opportunity for people who need some food or a sympathetic ear to find some solidarity.
We fund Urban Table through donations, both financial and food based as well as by organising fundraising events throughout the year.
If you would like to volunteer with Urban Table please get in touch with the Round Chapel Office on 0208 533 9676 or email info@theroundchapel.org.uk who will put you in touch with one of the teams.
To give you an idea of the role you would be requested to arrive by 12.15pm and chop vegetables, prepare food, cut up fruit and cake and make tea and coffee. We serve the guests from 1.30pm until 3.00pm, sit with them, and clear up at the end, finishing around 4pm. The teams are lively and dedicated and the work is very rewarding.
If you would like to offer financial support for us to deliver Urban Table please contact info@theroundchapel.org.uk