Our Wellbeing Club happens every Monday in term time.
We offer families who are living in temporary housing or inadequate private housing some time to relax, space to play and a healthy meal.
Every Monday we provide a creche for children with lots of toys, experienced childcare workers and space to play.
For mums, we work to offer an hour for them to have just for themselves, to take part in mindful activities that are often prohibitively expensive, to help with a positive start to the week. Out programme of activities is varied and responds to the interests of the mums attending, so far this has included, making bath bombs and body butters, yoga, tea ceremonies, dance, sewing, eyebrow makeovers, DIY and many more.
When the activities end we all come together to eat a hot lunch, family style
Wellbeing Club offers a space to play, relax and make friends.
For more information about our Wellbeing Club Project contact Alex on 0737 557 4336 or email alex@theroundchapel.org.uk